Monday 16 February 2015

Indulging My Inner Child!

When we had new fencing put in, because there was a drain cover right on the boundary, the fencing guys had to erect a smaller piece of fencing to make it assessable (or something like that...I forget the particulars!).

It ended up looking door sized, which I loved. The Secret Garden has always been one of my favourite books! So I added a pretend lock with a mirror beneath it (to make it look see-thru), and some stepping stones leading up to it.

In the spring I'm also going to paint the section of fence a slightly different colour so that it looks even more door like.

Ah, it's fun to indulge the child inside!



  1. Hee, such a sweet idea! Can you perhaps grow climbers up and over to form an arch, or would that be in the way when the drain needs access?

    The garden where we moved to here from had a partioned bit at the end, overhung with lots of trees, that would have made a lovely secret garden, well it would have if they hadn't of chopped everything down :(

  2. Thanks! :D

    I'd eventually like most of the new fencing covered in ivy and climbers. Will take a while though.
